Most Catholics have perhaps heard of “Our Lady of Fatima”. Many know she is the Blessed Virgin Mary, and that she appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, near the end of WWI. Those who know history may realize that her final appearance on October 13, 1917, came just days before the Bolshevik Revolution broke out in Russia, leading to the first Marxist-atheist communist nation in history. The two events, Fatima and the Marxist revolution, both remain less than adequately understood by Catholics today, while both continue to play out, with enormous consequences, on the stage of world history.
Do you know why Our Lady came?
Our Lady of Fatima came to deliver a message from Heaven, a warning along with some requests for avoiding coming tribulation. She showed how humanity could prevent or mitigate decades of genocide, persecution of the Church, and the suppression of religious and other freedoms that otherwise would soon follow, not only in the former Soviet Union, but in other nations where Russia would extend its influence or where the same Marxist ideology would be adopted (China, Romania, Yugoslavia, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, to name a few). Unfortunately, the 20th Century turned out to be the bloodiest in history, and mankind has grown farther today from God than when Our Lady delivered her plea, one hundred years ago.
Do you know what Our Lady asked?
Many who have heard of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima are familiar with the remarkable vision of hell that the children were shown on July 13th, and of Our Lady’s promise that she would give a sign for all to see, to confirm the truth of the children’s visions. Our Lady kept her promise during her final apparition on October 13th, when the great crowd of 70,000 faithful and skeptics alike who had gathered at the site were at once astounded and terrified by the great “Miracle of the Sun.” Defying all natural explanation, the sun in the sky “danced” for several minutes; shooting off kaleidoscopic rays and colors, it appeared at one point to come hurtling toward the earth before returning to its normal place and appearance. While only the children saw Our Blessed Lady, everyone present saw the miraculous solar display confirming the visions and messages entrusted to the children.
Many today know of this “Miracle of the Sun” – but how many know of the spiritual program Our Lady gave us, by which mankind could obtain peace?
If you know it, have you put it into practice?
Did anyone “get” the Fatima Message?
News of the extraordinary events of Fatima eventually spread around the world, due in good part to the Church’s official recognition of them as being authentically from Heaven, “worthy of belief. ” Numerous popes and bishops responded to one of Our Lady’s specific requests: the consecration of Russia and the world to her Immaculate Heart.
However, as information about Fatima became more available, Catholics at the same time grew weaker and weaker in their practice of the faith. Following the end of WWII, in the upsurge of hope for peace and the subsequent restoration of stability and prosperity in the West, people began to feel more self-sufficient, unneedful of God or religion. An indication of this can be seen in the dramatic drop in Sunday Mass attendance, which has fallen from about 95 percent in the late 1940’s to just over 20 percent at present.
It would seem that Our Lady’s warning and requests at Fatima were not taken seriously.
As history played out in the intervening century since the apparitions, another World War ensued, worse than the first, followed by a long “Cold War” between the nuclear superpowers, while numerous other military and political conflicts around the world have plagued mankind. Tyrants posing as heads of godless states continued the genocide begun in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Unimaginably–but all too tragically true–to the many millions of lives cut short in these armed conflicts and under totalitarian regimes, humanity must add the shameful and ongoing slaughter of unborn innocents through abortion.
The total number of deaths in the 20th Century due to “politically motivated carnage” is estimated to be between 175 to 225 million; the total number of deaths worldwide due to abortion since 1960 is estimated to be five to ten times higher – one to two billion.
How many Catholics are aware that Our Lady of Fatima had given us the ANTIDOTE for all of that carnage and unnecessary suffering?
Pray the Rosary every day
in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary,
in order to obtain peace
for the world…
If what I say to you is done,
many souls will be saved
and there will be peace.
Our Lady of Fatima – July 13, 1917
If wars and genocide seem distant worries that have nothing to do with you, consider the war that is being waged right now, in this country, against the principles of Christian civilization:
Some of the Principle Tactics in the Anti-Christian Strategy:
- Attack on Religious Freedom: The Christian mind and conscience have been effectively caged through acceptance of the secular dogmas of relativism and “political correctness.” Too many Christians remain silent as right and wrong are systematically inverted, as laws and values are imposed that are contrary to moral truth and goodness, all in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity” that exclude nothing but Christian values. Catholics are now expected to fund abortion, contraception and the perversion of children through godless programs and policies in public schools. Anyone who opposes the New World Order secular humanist agenda is liable to be prosecuted in a court of law while being persecuted by the media.
- Attack on the Sanctity and Dignity of the Human Person: While this isn’t an exclusively Christian issue, but a basic human rights issue, secular governments contradict Judeo-Christian values by usurping and disrespecting God, presuming to “legalize” that which God has forbidden: the killing of innocent unborn, elderly and sick; “legalizing” pornography, drugs, prostitution and illicit sexual unions and practices; “legalizing” destructive experimentation with human embryos; reducing man to a commodity for the good of the State.
- Attack on the Family: The sanctity of the God-given institution of marriage is undermined in various ways. By feminism, insisting women can’t be fulfilled as wife and mother, but must rather leave the home and family to be fulfilled; men encouraged to be playboys instead of responsible husbands and fathers; divorce; same-sex “marriage” and gender ideology; parents undermined as the primary educators of their children, now to be replaced by public schools and a state-defined “Common Core Curriculum”; the introduction of pornography in the home via internet and cable TV, etc., etc., etc.
All of this destruction of persons and values – leaving in its wake a veritable “culture of death” – had been foretold by Our Lady of Fatima, as the consequence that would follow, if her message and requests were not heeded. Many billions of deaths COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED — IF HER MESSAGE AND REQUESTS HAD BEEN HEEDED…
Here it is…
When you hear how simple it is, you may be astounded. All Our Lady of Fatima asks in order to bring about world peace is the following:
- CONVERSION OF LIFE: turn away from sin, pray and make small sacrifices daily for sinners
- PRAY THE ROSARY: daily, with meditation on the Mysteries
- DEVOTION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY: fulfillment of the Five First Saturdays
Wouldn’t you be willing to fulfill these simple requirements, to secure your salvation and gain peace in the world? By observing these four simple requests of Our Lady of Fatima, every member of the Mystical Body of Christ can become a conduit of God’s peace and order, and effectively participate in the Church’s ongoing mission of Redemption.